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Yahoo i bën promo ishullit të Sazanit: Turizëm elitar (Fotot)

This April 14, 2015 photo shows an abandoned army command building constructed by the Italians in 1929 on Sazan Island, 140 kilometers (85 miles) southwest of Albanias capital Tirana. The government plans to change the island, a former military area for decades, into an attraction, to boost tourism in the country. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina)
Yahoo ka promovuar Ishullin e Sazanit. Ishulli dikur Ushtarak, tanimë shihet si një ishull ku mund të bëhen pushime elitare. Edhe pse sot akoma praktikisht është zonë ushtarake, këtë verë pretendohet që ti rikthehet pushuesve.
“Këtë verë Shqipëria planifikon të promovojë vendin që shpreson ta ktheje në artaksionin e ri për turistët, Ishullin e Sazanit, i cili dikur ka qenë një bazë ushtarake. Ene aty ka ka bunkerë dhe tunele  të projektuar për t’i bërë ballë sulmeve bërthamore.Çfarë ishte dikur një vend i paarritshëm dhe i izoluar, një mister për pothuajse të gjithë shqiptarët, i cili mund të vizitohej vetem nga pak udhëheqës komuniste, tani mund të kthehet në një vend tërheqës, posaçërisht për turistët e huaj”, shprehet kreu i AKB, Auron Tare.

This April 14, 2015 photo shows a view of the small harbor on Sazan Island, 140 kilometers (85 miles) southwest of Albanias capital Tirana. The government plans to change the island, a former military area for decades, into an attraction, to boost tourism in the country. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina)

× This April 14, 2015 photo shows a view of Sazan Island, 140 kilometers (85 miles) southwest of Albanias capital Tirana. The government plans to change the island, a former military area for decades, into an attraction, to boost tourism in the country. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina)

This April 14, 2015 photo shows Auron Tare of the Albanian National Coastal Agency pointing the date the anti-nuclear tunnel was built on Sazan Island, 140 kilometers (85 miles) southwest of Albanias capital Tirana. The government plans to change the island, a former military area for decades, into an attraction to boost tourism in the country. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina)

This April 14, 2015 photo shows a view of the small harbor from a ruined building on Sazan Island, 140 kilometers (85 miles) southwest of Albanias capital Tirana. The government plans to change the island, a former military area for decades, into an attraction, to boost tourism in the country. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina)

This April 14, 2015 photo shows an abandoned army command building constructed by the Italians in 1929 on Sazan Island, 140 kilometers (85 miles) southwest of Albanias capital Tirana. The government plans to change the island, a former military area for decades, into an attraction, to boost tourism in the country. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina)

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